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Just an Intermission...

As most of you know, this blog began as a joint project/hobby for Deon and Keesha. We've had loads of fun blogging and making internet pals with you all. Lately its become a bit off balance without both of us being able to work on it together. It sucks to say but we are going to put this baby on hold for a while. Dont worry, we are still friends but life is pulling us both in different directions and our time spent together is becoming less and less :(

If you would like to keep up with what Keesha is doing you can check her out here.

We'll be back in action at some point. Keep looking out for us to pop up in your readers :)

Autumn Stripes

 Dress and Bracelet: Thrifted
Shoes and Belt: Target

 This dress has been in my closet for the last year or so but I forgot about it until the other day when I actually was in a panic searching for something to wear to church. Id purchased it when it was much too cold to wear. It was shoved in the back of my closet patiently waiting for me to remember her.

I really need to come up with a better clothes "filing" solution.

How do you keep from losing clothes when you buy them off season?

Ball of Confusion

Blazer: Gifted 
Tank,Shoes,Purse: Thrifted
Skirt: DIY from thrifted material
Scarf: DIY

Thats what the weather has been lately. A big ball of confusion. Today for example started out at a nice and breezy 62 degrees. The high was forecasted to be 82. By the end of the day it was a sweltering 88!!! I suppose this is my poor excuse for what I chose to wear today.

Bare legs+Blazer+Open toe shoe+Scarf = My in between seasons outfit :)

Happy Thursday!


I own plenty of nail polish. I never wear it. Im going to try and change that.

Ruby Kisses "Teal Envy"


TTO: A Great New Find

Happy Monday All! This weekend I went to an outdoor concert and this is what I wore:

 Dress, Jacket, Earrings, Bag, Shoes: Totally Thrifted!!!

I purchased this dress on friday from a local bargain hunters paradise for $4!

I snagged these Donald Pliner ankle booties for a mere $6!!!! 

How did you spend your weekend?

Member of the PTA

 Dress, "Belt", Cardigan, Clutch: Thrifted
Shoes: Marshalls

Ive clearly been watching too many Fred Astaire movies lately
The school year has officially begun and I am an active member of the PTA...What does that mean? Responsible attire, thats what.

Happy Thursday All!!!

Denim and Khaki

 Shirt: Hubby
Khakis and Belt: Target
Shoes: Vera Wang (Kohls)
Clutch: Thrifted, Same one Ive had in the last 10000 posts lol

Not much to say, just another OOTD. 
Happy Monday All :)

Ask and You Shall Receive + TTO

Outfit: Totally Thrifted!

In the last post I complained about how unbearably hot its been this summer. Well this weekend my wish was granted. Its been in the 60s for the past three days and its been awesome. The only drawback is that its also raining. Oh well I guess I wasnt specific enough with my weather request.

In other news: Does anyone notice something different about me???? Well Ive been getting bored with my hair lately and was starting to think about cutting it. Thats just how I operate. Always changing something. Meygan had a better idea. This weekend she was gracious enough to braid my hair. Im enjoying this change up. Thanks a MILLION to my sister wife Meygan :)

What do you do when you have the itch to change something up in your life?

Summer Fatigue

 Army Jacket and Unitard: Thrifted
Shoes: Marshalls
Bag: Gifted
Is it just me or does this summer feel like a marathon???? It seems like its just never going to end! Im ready to wear a sweater darn it!!!! Ok Woooo-Saaaaahhhh.......

With that said, I decided to run all my errands super early in the morning when I wouldnt feel like a loon wearing sleeves :) I did my grocery shopping, bill paying and other random stopping between 6 and 11am. For some reason, wearing sleeves made me feel a little bit better about the fact that in a couple months I just might wish it were summer again.

Anyone else feeling trapped in this heat?

Turban Mania

 Im a serious hat lover. Theres no hat that doesnt send my heart aflutter. On the other hand, Im not much of a turban kinda gal. At least I thought I wasnt. Deon is great at pulling looks like turbans and headwraps off without it looking forced.

 A recent trip to my fave thrift store changed my mind!
The fabric and pattern spoke loudly to me. There was no way I wasnt gonna give this lovely lady a home! I honestly never thought I would say this but I AM IN LOVE WITH THIS THING :)
Would you/do you rock turbans?


OOTD: Black and Blue

Dress and Clutch: Thrifted
Belt and Earrings: Forever 21
Shoes: Marshalls

Happy Thursday!


Puerto Rico Vaca

Okay, so... all I can say is that I am sorry!!! Gosh, I have truly missed you all. Hubby and I went to Puerto Rico and honestly, I didnt want to come back. It was amazing... and just want I needed.

Top: Photo Shoot on the beach at 3AM.

Thank GOD for the Turban, I rocked it most of the vacation.

I know I seem real girly girl, but I love to mountain climb, this was great fun and the waterfall was breathtaking. ( thats me at the top)

(Rainforest with beach in background)... so of course I started talking to the other people who stayed at our hotel and this couple offered to take us to the rainforest. I knew the couple and I would hit it off because she wore a thong to beach everyday... oh, yes! She was a 200+ pound, 50+ year old women in a thong. AMAZING!

So, I was told that this Coconut water was going to be good but instead it tasted like saliva. Yek!

We found our home on the beach and in my FAVORITE Color!!!

Now, its time for the most important part of the trip, the food! I have to warn you, these pictures suck... I was so hungry and greedy that I simply snapped a shot and dug in.
Delicious but not so Nutritious

Authentic Puerto Rican food (above), it was amazing. The best part was the Plantains. I tried to eat them with every meal.

(above) Smoked Salmon Panine with arugula, capers and garlic mayo served with homemade fries. Changed my life!

So my husband LOVES pizza, so we eat if often... BUT! This was the best pizza I have ever put in my mouth. It was a Blue Cheese and some other type cheese pizza. You guys, It was the best Pizza that we had EVER had. I lost my mind.

(above) Okay, so as you all know we dont eat meat and so it was a risk to order an enchilada thats not a basic cheese enchilada... and this plantain, zucchini and tomato enchilada was so delicious! I am totally planning on going on a serious diet before we go back.

Ladies, we had to best time EVER. I gained SO much weight that I refused to take pictures from the neck down. (lol)... I totally suggest that anyone wanting to take a late summer vaca that they go to Puerto Rico. It was truely breathtaking.

What did you ladies do this summer?