Fiesta Fiesta!

So yesterday was Thursday so you know what that means..."Family Night"!! We decided to make Haystacks (taco salad) which is decidedly our favorite thing to eat collectively. Wanna see it?

Black and pinto beans simmered in their own juices with a little Griller for the meaty texture. Cheese, lettuce, fresh homemade salsa, sour cream, queso sauce and black olives. All pilled high atop a mountain of tortilla chips.
Yes it looks like mess on a plate but it was mighty fine eatin' if you ask me....or Miss Corrin

Miss Corrin enjoyed a side(two ears to be exact) of uncooked freshly shucked corn.

We finished the night with a little YOUTUBE browsing and crying until our sides ached. Fun was had by all including Nina H. Thanks for stopping by Miss. Nina. We love you and hope you'll join us again soon :)

1 comment

Deon | August 6, 2010 at 6:49 PM

It was fun... And we learned something as well. All those Pics were takin on the same day. Run tell that home-girl!

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